Scale Benefits Consulting.
Let Your AI Assistant Do The Heavy Lifting.

Show plan information as it’s meant to be consumed – clean, straightforward, and accurate. Focus on the features that matter.

  • Eliminate manual data entry with AI document ingestion
  • Show marketplace views of current and prospective bids
  • Export and share final decisions across an organization

Empower Employers To Make Their Mark.

  • Collaborate on core benefits workflows
  • Provide visibility into claims
  • Offer consolidated and reconciled billing
  • Enable deep customization and personalization

Elevate Employee Experience.
Keep Employees Coming Back.

See the difference a modern, AI powered employee benefits experience can make with reduced HR overhead, embedded education, and a look-and-feel that truly reflects the brand and culture of the company.

  • Provide 24/7 on demand support and instant provider lookup
  • Embed enrollment videos and other rich assets in a fully branded experience
  • Offer personalized plan recommendations